星期日, 12月 14, 2008

使用Levophed 的注意事項

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29. Levophed應從何處給藥?


Ref: Micromedex

55. Levophed in D5W與N/S, 可否用3-way同時滴注?

Dextrose content provides protection against oxidation of norepinephrine, dextrose containing solutions are recommended. Dextrose in saline solutions can also be used.
因此與N/S可以由3-way 給藥

Ref: MicromedexDrug information handbook

53. Dopamine, Levophed及Adrenaline可否與鹼性溶液加在一起?


Ref: MicromedexAHFS

2410. Levophed 可否用NS稀釋?

Levophed dilute solution:D5W or D5W in NS, do not use NS alone.

Ref: 台大醫院注射劑給藥指引

2571. 請問處方集中Levophed 0.2% (0.1% BASE),其中的BASE是什麼意思呢?

Base代表不含鹽類的部份,Levophed含norepinephrine bitartrate,norepinephrine bitartrate濃度為0.2 %,norepinephrine base濃度為0.1%。

Ref: 仿單
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