星期日, 12月 14, 2008

使用 KCl 的注意事項

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623. KCL 2 amp可否泡250 mL N/S

若從peripheral line給予,則濃度需小於40mEq/L, 也就是2 amp 需至少泡1000mL; 若可從central line給予,則濃度需小於80mEq/L, 2amp 至少泡500 mL

1126. KCL solution的K含量?

6.7mEq of K and Cl/10ml

818. 請問KCL Injection,Magnesium Sulfate Injection ,與Vitacal Injection 20ml/amp (Ca 0.27mEq/ml)或Calglon Injection 10% (Ca 0.465mEq/ml) 10ml/amp可否同時混合給藥?

由於考量可能生成硫酸鈣沉澱,故不建議將硫酸鎂加入Vitacal或Calglon [CALCIUM GLUCONATE (incompatible with magnesium sulfate; conditions not specified) (Reynolds, 1989);Sulfates (calcium chloride is incompatible with soluble sulfates; conditions not specified) (Trissel, 1988) ]。
其餘(KCL + Vitacal or Calglon), (KCL + Magnesium Sulfate)可混合同時給藥。
註:經詢問病房,通常之給藥方式為3 amp KCl+ 1 Amp Magnesium Sulfate in 500 mL N/S,屬 Compatible。

1044. Potassium chloride + Magnesium sulfate + Calcium chloride可否加在一起給藥?

Potassium chloride + Magnesium sulfate in N/S or D5W: compatible
but there's no information about Calcium chloride + Magnesium sulfate or Calcium chloride + KCl + MgSO4, 故不建議三者加在一起。

1727. 病患需使用MgSO4及KCL但不需要補充太多液體


1103. 請問Calcium gluconate, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium chloride可以一起加在Normal saline裡面嗎?

Potassium chloride + Magnesium sulfate in N/S: compatible
Potassium chloride + calcium gluconate in N/S: compatible
but there's no information about Calcium gluconate + Magnesium sulfate or Calcium gluconate + KCl + MgSO4, 故不建議三者加在一起。

1645. AMINO k 可加入KCL INJ?


1074. KCL溶液味道不佳,請問可以與什麼飲料併服?

可與果汁併服,限鹽(鈉)患者避開蕃茄汁(鈉含量高)。REFER TO USPDI: For patients taking the liquid form of this medicine:
For patients taking the liquid form of this medicine--
This medicine must be diluted in at least one-half glass (4 ounces) of cold water or juice to reduce its possible stomach-irritating or laxative effect.
If you are on a salt (sodium)-restricted diet, check with your doctor before using tomato juice to dilute your medicine. Tomato juice has a high salt content.

2222. 因為KCL必須稀釋才能喝小朋友才出生一週除了牛奶尚未開始喝其他飲料, KCL soln可不可以加在牛奶裡面一起喝?

不建議, 怕KCL影響牛奶的味道, 小朋友連牛奶都不喜歡喝, 建議加一些開水稀釋KCL與牛奶分開餵比較好
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